Diffuse hair loss has many triggers – what causes yours?

Diffuse hair loss can have many different causes. It often occurs in situations in which the body or mind are debilitated, e.g. through stress, illness, unbalanced diet or hormonal fluctuations. Other possible triggers include e.g. medications or simply aging.

Regardless of the actual trigger, diffuse hair loss occurs in the same pattern: the activity of the hair root is disrupted, causing it to cease gradually. This leads to a disruption in the hair growth cycle. The result: hair loss.

Stress and mental strains
Many people today feel that their lives are hectic and stressful – and this also affects their hair. Unfortunately, stress cannot always simply be switched off, e.g. at work. This makes it all the more important to address the consequences and halt stress-induced hair loss with Pantogar®.


Diet and unbalanced nutrition
Unbalanced eating habits – whether due to a diet or disease – weaken the whole body and can even lead to hair loss.


Disease and medications
Numerous diseases can affect the state of your hair growth. These include some skin diseases as well as chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes, rheumatism and Crohn’s disease or infections associated with fever. This type of hair loss often occurs with a delay of several weeks, so the cause – e.g. a feverish cold – is often forgotten when the “hairy” consequences become visible.Medications can also be a trigger. Again in this case, hair loss only becomes visible some weeks after start of treatment. As the medication often cannot be changed, the hair loss should be treated directly with Pantogar®.


Hormonal fluctuations
One of the main causes of hair loss is hormonal fluctuations, e.g. in menopause or after coming off the pill. However, breastfeeding after birth can also be a trigger. A birth is a happy occasion in itself, but also causes a huge change in the bodies of expectant mothers. Healthy hair can become unbalanced, and many women suffer from pronounced hair loss requiring treatment.


No matter what has caused your diffuse hair loss: Pantogar® can stop it

Whatever the trigger of your hair loss – hair loss should be treated medically. The Pantogar® anti-hair loss formula with its specifically formulated active substance complex can dependably stop diffuse hair loss.
See for yourself with an intensive treatment over 3-6 months.